Eeyoonsaawikiša – Eastern Redbud

We are quickly moving out of aanteekwa kiilhswa ‘Crow Moon’ and into cecaahkwa kiilhswa ‘Sandhill Crane Moon,’ and the days are getting both longer and warmer.  This period is called meeloohkamiki ‘spring’ in Myaamiaataweenki. However, meeloohkamiki is not viewed as a separate season, but instead a transitional period between peepoonki ‘winter’ and neepinwiki ‘summer’ in…

Myaamia Heritage Program — 2021/22 School Year Wrap Up

Miami University and Oxford feel different this week as the majority of students have moved out and things have quieted down.  For the staff of the Myaamia Center, this marks the transition to summer programs, but before we move on, we would like to reflect back on this year. This past weekend, we celebrated our…

2022 Myaamiaki Conference Preview

This year, the Myaamia Center is hosting our ninth biennial Myaamiaki Conference on Saturday, April 9th.  This day-long event is a chance for our staff and affiliates to present their research projects to the Myaamia community.  The conference is held at Miami University, which allows faculty, staff, and students to also attend and learn about…

Myaamia Heritage Program Update — February 2022

We are always excited for our students to return to campus, and this semester was no exception.  Bonham House always feels a bit empty until they are back in the student room and we can hear conversations and laughter throughout the halls.   Only a few days after the semester started, we headed down to Miami,…

Myaamia Heritage Program Update – January 2022

The students in the Myaamia Heritage Program finished out their fall semester strong.  This year in the Myaamia Heritage Course, students are learning about Myaamia ecological perspectives and history.  We spent the majority of the year outside, exploring the ideas of how to view our environment through a Myaamia lens.  This included tree walks on…

Miami Tribe and Miami University: Our Connected Histories

In this year, the 175th anniversary of the removal of the Miami Tribe from our homelands, the Myaamia community is coming together to remember this history as a way to connect to our ancestors, to keep them close to us, and to maintain our relationship with them and their past.  However, this is not solely…