28 cecaahkwa kiilhswa (2024)

noonki kaahkiihkwe aalahkwahki neehi ceeliteeki (68℉) kiihkayonki. noonki peehkonteeki myaalisiwa cecaahkwa kiilhswa (peemineeta). neemani-nko kati cecaahkwa kiilhswa? tookinanto oowaaha -> cecaahkwa kiilhswa neemani-nko kati aakalaahšimaataweenki? toohkinanto mihtahkiši.‘For English, scroll down.’ 28 Sandhill Crane Moon (2024)’28 cecaahkwa kiilhswa (2024)’ Today it is overcast and warm (68℉) in Fort Wayne. ‘noonki kaahkiihkwe aalahkwahki neehi ceeliteeki (68℉) kiihkayonki.’ Tonight,…

13 cecaahkwa kiilhswa (2024)

noonki šaayiipaawe neepanki (32℉) ahsenisiipionki. noonki kaahkiihkwe, peehki kiišikahki. aahsanteeki neehi tikawi ceeliteeki (62℉). noonki peehkonteeki naawi waawiyiisita cecaahkwa kiilhswa (keešaakosita). neemani-nko kati cecaahkwa kiilhswa? tookinanto oowaaha -> cecaahkwa kiilhswa neemani-nko kati aakalaahšimaataweenki? toohkinanto mihtahkiši.‘For English, scroll down.’ 13 Sandhill Crane Moon (2024)’13 cecaahkwa kiilhswa (2024)’ This morning it was cold (32℉) in the Great Miami River…

Maple Sugaring 2024

As peepoonki ‘winter’ transitions into neepinwiki ‘summer’, many Myaamiaki ‘Myaamia people’ have closed their siihsipaahkwikaana ‘maple sugar camps.’ Maple sugaring season tends to be during Mahkoonsa Kiilhswa ‘Young Bear Moon’ and Aanteekwa Kiilhswa ‘Crow Moon’ which roughly corresponds with January through April on the Gregorian calendar. During this time of the year, temperatures tend to…

6 cecaahkwa kiilhswa (2024)

peehki kiišikahki kiihkayonki! aahsanteeki neehi ceeliteeki (73℉). noonki peehkonteeki napale waawiyiisita cecaahkwa kiilhswa (keešaakosita). neemani-nko kati cecaahkwa kiilhswa? tookinanto oowaaha -> cecaahkwa kiilhswa neemani-nko kati aakalaahšimaataweenki? toohkinanto mihtahkiši.‘For English, scroll down.’ 6 Sandhill Crane Moon (2024)‘6 cecaahkwa kiilhswa (2024)’ It is a nice day in Fort Wayne! It is sunny and warm (73℉). ‘peehki kiišikahki kiihkayonki! aahsanteeki neehi ceeliteeki (73℉).’…

28 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)

noonki kaahkiihkwe peehki kiišikahki (71℉) neehi tikawi aalahkwahki  noošonke siipionki. noonki peehkonteeki neepiki aanteekwa kiilhswa (peemineeta). kaapootwe kati saakiwa cecaahkwa kiilhswa. taaniši kiišikahki niiyaaha eepiyani?neemani-nko kati kiiyolia kiilhswa? toohkinanto oowaaha -> aanteekwa kiilhswa neemani-nko kati aakalaahšimaataweenki? toohkinanto mihtahkiši.‘For English, scroll down.’ 28 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)’28 Crow Moon (2024)’ Today, it’s a beautiful day (71℉) and…

22 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)

noonki kaahkiihkwe peetilaanki, ciinkwia pyaaci, neehi ceeliteeki (71℉) ahsenisiipionki. noonki peehkonteeki napale neepiki aanteekwa kiilhswa (peemineeta). neemani-nko kati aanteekwa kiilhswa? tookinanto oowaaha -> aanteekwa kiilhswa neemani-nko kati aakalaahšimaataweenki? toohkinanto mihtahkiši.‘For English, scroll down.’ 22 Crow Moon (2024)’22 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)’ Today it is rainy with storms and warm (71℉) in the Great Miami River Valley. ‘noonki kaahkiihkwe peetilaanki,…

15 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)

noonki kaahkiihkwe waapinkolaanwi neehi tikawi ceeliteeki (62℉) kiihkayonki. noonki peehkonteeki kiinte waawiyiisita aanteekwa kiilhswa (peemineeta). neemani-nko kati aanteekwa kiilhswa? tookinanto oowaaha -> aanteekwa kiilhswa neemani-nko kati aakalaahšimaataweenki? toohkinanto mihtahkiši.‘For English, scroll down.’ 15 Crow Moon (2024)’15 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)’ Today it is drizzling rain and a little warm (62℉) in Fort Wayne, IN. ‘noonki kaahkiihkwe waapinkolaanwi neehi tikawi ceeliteeki…

How We Talk About a Solar Eclipse

This year, a total solar eclipse will be making its way across North America on April 8th. This particular event is getting a lot of attention because the path of totality covers a large number of high population areas. If you are able to observe this eclipse, please do so safely! While they are not…

7 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)

noonki kaahkiihkwe neepanki (44℉) neehi aahsanteeki noošonke siipionki. maalami eelaamhsenki’; tipeewe-hka alaamhsensiinooke noonki peehkonteeki keešaakosita aanteekwa kiilhswa (keešaakosita). taaniši kiišikahki niiyaaha eepiyani?neemani-nko kati kiiyolia kiilhswa? toohkinanto oowaaha -> aanteekwa kiilhswa neemani-nko kati aakalaahšimaataweenki? toohkinanto mihtahkiši.‘For English, scroll down.’ 7 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)‘7 Crow Moon (2024)’ Today, it’s a cold (44℉) and it is sunny in…

1 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)

noonki kaahkiihkwe tikawi aalahkwahki neehi tikawi ceeliteeki (65℉) ahsenisiipionki. noonki peehkonteeki saakiwa aanteekwa kiilhswa (keešaakosita). neemani-nko kati aanteekwa kiilhswa? tookinanto oowaaha -> aanteekwa kiilhswa neemani-nko kati aakalaahšimaataweenki? toohkinanto mihtahkiši.‘For English, scroll down.’ 1 Crow Moon (2024)‘1 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)’ Today it is partly cloudy and a little warm (65℉) in the Great Miami River Valley. ‘noonki kaahkiihkwe tikawi…