22 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)

noonki kaahkiihkwe peetilaanki, ciinkwia pyaaci, neehi ceeliteeki (71℉) ahsenisiipionki. noonki peehkonteeki napale neepiki aanteekwa kiilhswa (peemineeta). neemani-nko kati aanteekwa kiilhswa? tookinanto oowaaha -> aanteekwa kiilhswa neemani-nko kati aakalaahšimaataweenki? toohkinanto mihtahkiši.‘For English, scroll down.’ 22 Crow Moon (2024)’22 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)’ Today it is rainy with storms and warm (71℉) in the Great Miami River Valley. ‘noonki kaahkiihkwe peetilaanki,…

15 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)

noonki kaahkiihkwe waapinkolaanwi neehi tikawi ceeliteeki (62℉) kiihkayonki. noonki peehkonteeki kiinte waawiyiisita aanteekwa kiilhswa (peemineeta). neemani-nko kati aanteekwa kiilhswa? tookinanto oowaaha -> aanteekwa kiilhswa neemani-nko kati aakalaahšimaataweenki? toohkinanto mihtahkiši.‘For English, scroll down.’ 15 Crow Moon (2024)’15 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)’ Today it is drizzling rain and a little warm (62℉) in Fort Wayne, IN. ‘noonki kaahkiihkwe waapinkolaanwi neehi tikawi ceeliteeki…

How We Talk About a Solar Eclipse

This year, a total solar eclipse will be making its way across North America on April 8th. This particular event is getting a lot of attention because the path of totality covers a large number of high population areas. If you are able to observe this eclipse, please do so safely! While they are not…

Independent Study: Storytelling

Last semester at Miami University, I held an independent study for students interested in Myaamia storytelling. The goal of the course was for each student to tell Aalhsoohkaani ‘a Winter Story’ or aacimooni ‘a historical narrative’ to the Myaamia Heritage class at the end of the semester. Through the process of learning a story, they…

7 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)

noonki kaahkiihkwe neepanki (44℉) neehi aahsanteeki noošonke siipionki. maalami eelaamhsenki’; tipeewe-hka alaamhsensiinooke noonki peehkonteeki keešaakosita aanteekwa kiilhswa (keešaakosita). taaniši kiišikahki niiyaaha eepiyani?neemani-nko kati kiiyolia kiilhswa? toohkinanto oowaaha -> aanteekwa kiilhswa neemani-nko kati aakalaahšimaataweenki? toohkinanto mihtahkiši.‘For English, scroll down.’ 7 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)‘7 Crow Moon (2024)’ Today, it’s a cold (44℉) and it is sunny in…

The 1854 Treaty of Washington (Part 3)

This is the third of a multipart series of blog posts focused on closely examining the transcript of the 1854 Treaty of Washington. In the first two parts (Part 1 & Part 2) of this series, we summarized a bit of the background of the 1854 Treaty of Washington and closely examined the first four…

1 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)

noonki kaahkiihkwe tikawi aalahkwahki neehi tikawi ceeliteeki (65℉) ahsenisiipionki. noonki peehkonteeki saakiwa aanteekwa kiilhswa (keešaakosita). neemani-nko kati aanteekwa kiilhswa? tookinanto oowaaha -> aanteekwa kiilhswa neemani-nko kati aakalaahšimaataweenki? toohkinanto mihtahkiši.‘For English, scroll down.’ 1 Crow Moon (2024)‘1 aanteekwa kiilhswa (2024)’ Today it is partly cloudy and a little warm (65℉) in the Great Miami River Valley. ‘noonki kaahkiihkwe tikawi…

Aašitehkawaataawi ‘let’s meet’ Robbyn Abbitt

Robbyn Abbitt,  the GIS Coordinator for Miami University and the Associate Director of the Dept. of Geography’s Geospatial Analysis Center, recently became an affiliate of the Myaamia Center. You may have seen her at this year’s Winter Gathering.  Robbyn has aided Myaamia mapping for many years–perhaps her first interaction with Myaamia mapping was with Joshua…

23 mahkoonsa kiilhswa (2024)

noonki kaahkiihkwe aalahkwahki neehi ceeliteeki (72℉) kiihkayonki. noonki peehkonteeki kiinte napale neepiki mahkoonsa kiilhswa (peemineeta). neemani-nko kati mahkoonsa kiilhswa? tookinanto oowaaha -> mahkoonsa kiilhswa neemani-nko kati aakalaahšimaataweenki? toohkinanto mihtahkiši.‘For English, scroll down.’ 23 Young Black Bear Moon (2024)’23 mahkoonsa kiilhswa (2024)’ Today it is partly cloudy and warm, (72℉) in Fort Wayne, IN. ‘noonki kaahkiihkwe aalahkwahki neehi ceeliteeki (72℉) kiihkayonki.’…

Celebrating the Lunar New Year in Noošonke Siipionki

wiiyaakiteeheelo weehki-kihkatwe ‘Happy New Year!’ On February 17th, around 70 Myaamiaki ‘Miami people’ gathered at the council house in Noošonke Siipionki ‘Miami, Oklahoma’ to celebrate weehki-kihkatwe ‘the lunar New Year’. For us, as a lunar calendar culture, this marks the beginning of a new cycle of ecologically named months, which we call kiilhsooki ‘moons’. This…